Friday, 3 June 2011

Lesson 5 - The Rajah's Rice

Lesson 5a

Grade 3 - Lesson 5a - Could you give me some tips?

Lesson 4 - Soccer, the World's Most Popular Sport

Lesson 4a

Grade 3- Lesson 4a - I think...

Lesson 4b

Grade 3- Lesson 4b- Which One is Better

Chapter 3 - Traveling in Korea

Lesson 3a

Grade 3 - Lesson 3a - How far is it, how long will it take...

Chapter 2 - April Fool's Day Tricks

Lesson 2a

Grade 3- Lesson 2a - Guess What!

Lesson 2b

Grade 3- Lesson 2b- You Mean...

Chapter 1 - Schools Around the World

Lesson 1a

Grade 3 - Lesson 1a - Asking Permission and Making Excuses

Middle School Grade 3 Lesson Plans

Here I am posting all of my Grade 3 materials for my middle school classes. They are based on the curriculum for the Middle School English 3 books by Johanna L. Haas.

Some of the powerpoints were made by me from scratch, others are simply modified PPT's I've found across the web and adjusted to fit my classes. I have done my best to name the ones I modified though, if I left anything out and you see something familiar though, if you let me know I will mention it.

Chapter 1 - Schools Around the World

Chapter 2 - April Fools' Day Tricks

Chapter 3 - Traveling in Korea

Chapter 4 - Soccer, the World's Most Popular Sport

Chapter 5 - The Rajah's Rice

Chapter 6 - Helping Hands

Chapter 7 - Bright Lights, Big Cities

Chapter 8 - Poems We Love

Chapter 9 - Encyclopedia Brown, the Boy Detective

Chapter 10 - Fun Science

Chapter 11 - Who Is Behind the Sweet Taste of Chocolate?

Chapter 5 - The World of Robots

Lesson 5a

Grade 1 - Lesson 5a- Can You...

Chapter 4 - At the Pet Shop

Lesson 4a

Grade 1- Lesson 4a- Actions

Lesson 4b

Grade 1 - Lesson 4b- Describing Animals

Chapter 3 - Join Our Club!

Lesson 3a

Grade 1- Lesson 3a-Do You Like...

Lesson 3b

Grade 1 - Lesson 3b - Join Our Club!

Chapter 2 - My School Bus

At my school, chapters are split over two weeks, so I always have two powerpoints for each chapter. These ones were constructed with a little help from an extremely useful website called If you're teaching in Korea, you probably know that site already, if you don't you should definitely check it out though. It's saved my hide several times in the past year and there are some people with some great ideas contributing to the site. Do watch out for the red herrings though...there are a few there too...:/

Lesson 2a

Grade 1 - Lesson 2a - How/when do you go to school?

Lesson 2b

Grade 1 - Lesson 2b - Review PPT How/when

Chapter 1 - All About Me

This is the first lesson I did with my first graders after the first week of introducing rules and doing some ice breakers. It went down pretty well and although the students were a bit wary of all the presenting they had to do in class, it was actually pretty good preparation for them, as they now present in my classes on a regular basis.

Grade 1- Lesson 1b - Introductions

Middle School Grade 1 Lesson Plans

Here I am posting all of my Grade 1 materials for my middle school classes. They are based on the curriculum for the Middle School English 1 books by Johanna L. Haas.

Some lessons are obviously better than others, but I hope either way that the PPTs and the handouts will be helpful to you, even if you only look at them to give you some ideas of what you can do with your own students.

As I am re-signing at my school for next year, I will be updating my lessons in the future as I re-use them. As happens in teaching, some of these lessons were a complete success and others flunked terribly, which is why I will do my best to reflect on my lessons as best I can to give you some hints on what does and doesn't work. Please do bear in mind that all classes are different though and a lesson that didn't work for me, might well work for you with a little modification! A lot is up to how the teacher presents the topics, so please keep that at the back of your minds when reading what I have to say.

Some of the powerpoints were made by me from scratch, others are simply modified PPT's I've found across the web and adjusted to fit my classes. I have done my best to name the ones I modified though, if I left anything out and you see something familiar though, if you let me know I will mention it.

So without further ado:

Chapter 1 - All About Me
- Introductions

Chapter 2 - My School Bus
- How do you go to school?/ When do you go to school?

Chapter 3 - Join Our Club!
- Do you like...?

Chapter 4 - At the Pet Shop
- What does it look like?

Chapter 5 - The World of Robots
- Can you...?

Chapter 6 - A Postcard from Santorini
Chapter 7 - At the Traditional Market
Chapter 8 - Nasrredin and the Fish
Chapter 9 - Our Dreams
Chapter 10 - My Special Days
Chapter 11 - The Largest, Longest, Tallest...
Chapter 12 - The Hundred Dresses